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【Technical notes】Crack growth analysis of solder balls


Using Ansys Mechanical Enterprise to analyze crack growth of solder balls

【Technical notes】Strength analysis of a hard capsule


Using Ansys Mechanical Pro to do strength analysis of a hard capsule.

【Technical notes】Strength and optimization analysis example of a soft capsule


Using Ansys Mechanical Enterprise to do strength and optimization analysis of a soft capsule containing liquid drug.

【Technical notes】Structure and fluid solutions for LCD touch panel


Using Ansys Mechanical Enterprise to analyze the interaction between structure and fluid of a LCD touch panel

【Technical articles】Impact Analysis featuring Ansys LS-DYNA


Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) has been synonymous with Structural Analysis since the dawn of computer simulation. With the introduction of Explicit Dynamics, more and more windows of opportunity have been open. Phenomena that happened in a very short period of time (we are talking about few milliseconds or even microseconds here), can be simulate. For example, an Impact Test for a Reinforced Concrete Beam.