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Ansys SCADE Architect

Embedded system architecture and design
SCADE Architect is part of the ANSYS Embedded Software family of products, which gives you a design environment for systems with high dependability requirements. It provides full support of industrial systems engineering processes, such as ARP 4754A, ISO 26262 and EN 50126.
This product features functional and architectural system modeling and verification in a SysML-based environment. It provides a strong foundation to deploy model-based systems engineering (MBSE) processes and best practices. A key feature is the capability to generate consistent and comprehensive interface control documents (ICD).
SCADE Architect has been specifically developed for systems engineers; the underlying SysML™ technology is hidden, making modeling more user-friendly and intuitive than standard SysML tools or plain databases.
By using SCADE Architect in conjunction with other ANSYS SCADE tools, system and software engineers can work within the same framework. Developers can quickly synchronize the system model and the software subsystem components, ensuring consistency of the software architecture and modeling efficiency — for instance, for the management of I/O definitions. Delivered with SCADE Suite, SCADE Architect provides an integrated software engineering solution combining software architecture and software design in a single, comprehensive user interface.
With the release of ANSYS 18, ANSYS SCADE System has been renamed ANSYS SCADE Architect.


Systems Requirements Analysis

SCADE Architect is a SysML-based system design tool for critical systems modeling. It supports operational requirements analysis, functional decomposition, architecture decomposition and allocation of functions to components.

System Design

Besides functional and architecture decomposition through block diagrams, SCADE Architect supports reusable/unique blocks for component-based modeling, import/export of data dictionaries and data propagation across block hierarchy.

System Design Verification


SCADE Architect enables systems design verification with tools for model consistency checking and model diff/merge.

ICD Generation and Synchronization with Software Design

SCADE Architect enables easy creation of interface control documents and lets you refine software components in the SCADE Suite model-based software development environment.

System Design Environment Configuration

SCADE Architect can be configured to meet the specific needs of a particular group or domain. Domain=specific configuration relates to the use of industry standards like IMA, FACE and AUTOSAR, or to company or project standards.

System Requirements and Architecture Multi-Physics Simulation

Automated creation of Twin Builder designs from SysML block or parametric diagrams for system requirements validation in Twin Builder.



Specific Solution for Automotive Developers

The comprehensive solution for designing embedded automotive systems includes AUTOSAR compliant Software Component design, fixed-point value interfacing, and ASAP2 calibration feature.

Specific Solution for Avionics Developers

The comprehensive solution for designing embedded avionics systems separates your concerns into functional, software and platform levels.

Specific Solution for FACE Developers

The solution enables users to perform FACETM Data Modeling within a robust SysML-based environment. Roundtrip import/export functionality is provided for any FACE file, including the Shared Data Model. The exported FACE file passes the Data Model testing with CTS 2.1.30.