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【Technical notes】Surge waveform countermeasures, Snubber circuit optimization


This case introduce the implementation steps of using Ansys for snubber circuit optimization verification.

【Customer story】Learn about how Japan's top-level liquor and beverage manufacturer Asahi use Ansys for simulation of aluminum cans and tablet development


This story tells about how Japan's top-level liquor and beverage manufacturer Asahi use Ansys for simulation of aluminum cans and tablet development.

【Customer story】Learn about Design optimization of automotive speaker magnetic circuit of JVCKENWOOD Corporation


In each field of ‘automotive,’ ‘public service’ and ‘media service,’ we are promoting business with the aim of transforming into a ‘customer value creation company’ that solves customer issues.
In order to realize our corporate vision of ‘impressing and reassuring people around the world,’ we are working to increase customer satisfaction, growth, and corporate value. 

【Technical notes】Inductance and thermal stress analysis of busbar


By associating the results of electromagnetic field analysis during coupled analysis, thermal fluid analysis and thermal stress analysis can be performed easily with Ansys.

【Technical notes】Simulation of an IPM motor


Ansys Maxwell has a variety of features that can be used for motor analysis. These features will solve your problems.