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CETOL 6σ 3D tolerance analysis software - Datasheets


cetol_thumb2Download brochures to learn the key capabilities and benefits of CETOL 6σ.

  • CETOL Generic Brochure
  • CETOL for NX - Datasheet
  • CETOL for CATIA - Datasheet
  • CETOL for CREO - Datasheet
  • CETOL for Solidworks - Datasheet


EZtol 1D tolerance stack-up analysis tool - Datasheet


eztol_thumb2Key capabilities and benefits of EZtol.







CYBERNET Multiscale.Sim 2022R2 EN Brochure


msim2022r2_thumbMultiscale.Sim 2022R2 Release Notes: The latest version is compatible with Ansys Mechanical APDL 2022R2 and Ansys Workbench 2022R2. This version introduces a new tool for curve fitting and brings several enhancements to the microstructure model creation.





Water Treatment Solutions Using Ansys Software and Flownex


flownex_thumbThis paper focuses on simulation cases using Ansys CFD, a 3D fluid analysis tool from Ansys, and Flownex, a 1D simulation tool from M-tech, and presents examples of 3D simulation applications for activated sludge process water treatment and 1D system simulations for boilers, irrigation channels, pump stations and 1D system simulations for boilers, irrigation channels, pump stations, and heat exchangers.



Analysis Example - Designing Head Mounted Display


Designing_Head_Mounted_DisplayAn analysis example of an Optical see-through Head Mounted Display (OST HMD) using Ansys Zemax OpticStudio.